This is how I see the things I see.
Creativity is everything. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been an artist. As a kid, there was nothing better than a fresh box of 64 Crayola® crayons…oh that smell was just heaven. When I was 5 years old, I’d wake at sunrise on Saturdays, bust my brother out of his crib and go catch reruns of “The Nature World of Captain Bob” drawing wildlife in his sea shanty. I’d dream of having one of my sea creature drawings shown on TV. To me that was big time.
At the University of Oregon I studied painting, printmaking, book arts, and stayed on to get my BFA in Visual Design + Photography. When I picked up the camera something “clicked.” It was quite simply magic and the lens was like a paintbrush. At that moment in time we still got our hands dirty in the dark room, learning to dodge and burn by hand. We pulled Polaroids on set to test shots and since then it’s all evolved into this digital space we’re all now living in. The purists resisted so hard. I was somewhere in the middle, now I see it’s made it easier so we can create even more.
For years I’ve worked as a creative in advertising building brands and executing impactful visual communication. Being on set or location is my happy place. Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to direct countless shoots around the globe with many world renown photographers. What a journey it’s been. In every free moment I have along the way I’ve been shooting my own work which is what you see a bit of here. The world can be so chaotic and gray but when you pause and look the beauty is all there. My mind is a giant filing cabinet of photographs. Moments and snippets of life on this lovely earth captured. Organized by colors because that’s the way my synthesetic* mind works, organizing it all by color. Many of the images you see here are from Iceland, where my family is from. The place where I feel most at home and myself. The Nordic light, the contrast of midnight sun and dark winter light with that wild rugged landscape inspires me like no other place on earth.
Taking photographs is the greatest joy. Thanks for looking at my work. I’d love to hear from you if you like what you see here.
*Grapheme–color synesthesia is a form of synesthesia in which an individual's perception of numerals and letters is associated with the experience of colors. Like all forms of synesthesia, grapheme–color synesthesia is involuntary, consistent and memorable. Grapheme–color synesthesia is one of the most common forms of synesthesia and, because of the extensive knowledge of the visual system, one of the most studied. It’s extremely unlikely that any two synesthetes will report the same colors for all letters and numbers. Synesthetes often report that they were unaware their experiences were unusual until they realized other people did not have them, while others report feeling as if they had been keeping a secret their entire lives. Many synesthetes can vividly remember when they first noticed their synesthetic experiences, or when they first learned that such experiences were unusual.